Reliable retirement income

Your job may end with retirement. Your income shouldn’t.

Are living annuities right for you?

The ETFSA Living Annuity is an investment-linked annuity policy underwritten by 27four Life Limited that enables you to draw a reliable, growing income from your retirement savings. Either purchase it with a retirement benefit, or with a transfer from another living annuity.


With a living annuity, you can choose how you’d like your retirement benefit to be invested and the level of income you’d like to draw from it.

Get more out

A well structured, low cost ETF portfolio means you’ll be able to draw a retirement income more efficiently over time.

Hedge yourself across the exchange

A diversified index portfolio lets you capture the benefits of ETF investing for your future financial comfort.

No mystery

Transparent, easy-to-understand fees and no performance fees.

A helping hand along the way

Get access to an ETFSA advisor and an annual review to ensure your investment drawdown is sustainable and that there’s relative growth of your investments going forward.

The ETFSA Living Annuity provides a low cost, flexible retirement income product which is easy to understand

The range of seven portfolio provide differentiated exposure to asset classes to suit post-retirement investment and income objectives. The ETFSA Living Annuity is an investment-linked annuity policy underwritten by 27four Life Limited.

ETFSA LA Wealth Protector Portfolio (Cash)

The ETFSA LA Wealth Protector Portfolio offers a cash-only investment of the highest credit quality for risk averse members who do not want to carry the risk of a capital loss.

ETFSA LA Wealth Conservator Portfolio (Income – Low Risk)

The ETFSA LA Wealth Conservator Portfolio prioritises income generation from a broad range of sources – interest, dividends and other distributions, both domestic and global – offering a lower risk solution for members.

ETFSA LA Wealth Builder Portfolio (Balanced – Medium Risk)

The ETFSA LA Wealth Builder Portfolio offers broadly diversified exposure to a comprehensive range of asset classes, investment styles and geographies with no preference given to near term relative value differentials.

ETFSA LA Wealth Default Portfolio (Strategic Asset Allocation Benchmark – Moderate Risk)

As the default member option, the ETFSA LA Wealth Default Portfolio offers a static strategic asset allocation with a moderate risk profile, into a limited range of broad asset class ETFs.

ETFSA LA Wealth Enhancer Portfolio (Balanced – High Risk)

The ETFSA LA Wealth Enhancer Portfolio offers members the opportunity to achieve capital growth over a long-term investment horizon (at least 10 years) but require a high tolerance for risk (short term volatility).

ETFSA LA Wealth Maximiser Portfolio (Equity Only – High Risk)

The ETFSA LA Wealth Maximiser Portfolio aims to provide exposure to high equity, across both local and global markets.

ETFSA LA Oyster Portfolio (100% offshore)

This unique proposition is completely allocated to global markets and has a strategic weighting of 75% growth assets (equities and property) and 25% defensive assets (global bonds and cash). The bulk of the portfolio is invested in mainstream indices (S&P500, MSCI world etc) with a small allocation to thematic ETFs (e.g. stocks aligned to advancements in global health care) and listed property.

ETFSA LA Portfolio Holdings

December 2024

What does it cost?

*Our aggregate fee excludes underlying issuer charges, but includes VAT and trading costs.

Investment Amount Aggregate Fee*
R5 million 1.24%
R5 million - R15 million 1.04%
R15 million 0.96%

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Please beware of fraudulent Whatsapp and Facebook accounts pretending to be ETFSA and ETFSA staff members to solicit clients for money.

If you receive any direct message from these accounts – please report and block these accounts immediately and DO NOT provide any personal information.

ETFSA and its staff members will never reach out to clients via direct message on any social media platform unless we are responding to your message.